How artificial intelligence will change the future beyond 2020 ? What distinguishes AI Pioneers From Low Performers? But what do leading companies do differently with “AI” than “low performers”? In order to achieve significant results through the use of artificial intelligence, companies have to go through four development phases, as can be seen from the Accenture […]
AI in the First Line Of Defense Against Corona
Artificial Intelligence in the first line of defense against COVID-19 Pandemic. “We are at war,” said the French President on March 16, 2020. We are fighting an invisible but not invincible enemy. This war has only just begun and we believe that artificial intelligence (AI) is making a significant contribution to containing the virus pandemic. A contribution […]
What AI Means For Medicine
Artificial intelligence is creating completely new treatment methods in medicine: from apps for the early detection of diseases to personalized cancer therapies. In order to take advantage of the opportunities, good framework conditions must be created. Innovative technologies also increase the possibilities in medicine. © Adobe Stock / Sergey Nivens Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is […]
Always Question AI Systems
In the interview, Hans-Peter Sailer, Machine Learning Reply, emphasizes that it is important “not to rely entirely on AI systems, but to question them again and again” DFI CLub: Mr. Sailer, on November 15, 2018, the Federal Government adopted its “Artificial Intelligence Strategy”. What has happened since then? How did the topic “AI” develop in Germany […]
What Role Should AI Be Allowed To Do?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the corporate world. Most of the 600 company representatives surveyed in the current “Digitization Monitor 2020” of the management and technology consultancy Bearing point agree on this. It will be right to say that 2020 is the year of AI regulations and ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI. Technical robustness and security […]
A Simple, Layman Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: As before, many people can hardly imagine the term artificial intelligence. Some are firmly convinced that AI is a sustainable technological development, thanks to which machines will relieve us of all troublesome tasks in the future. Others, on the other hand, think that artificial intelligence is just another buzzword and that […]
Top 10 Technology Ranking 2020
We all want to know what the future holds. This is even vital for companies. That is why the market research institute Gartner has identified the 10 most important technology trends of the coming year. They will help shape our future. The American market research institute Gartner has the right list for companies looking for orientation in a […]
A Simple Explanation of How to Build an AI System
In this article, we will try to outline the structure of an AI system in a simple way as layman as possible . We ignore the technical details, since the aim of this article is to convey only basic knowledge. We received daily many queries regarding this “How to build my own artificial intelligence system ?” or […]
Cloud Computing and Social Networking: The Future 2020
The era of office workers is coming to a close end. According to researchers, the spread of social networks and cloud technologies can kill traditional offices. According to research results, today many IT departments of various companies began to switch to mobile technologies, which reduce costs and increase labor productivity. According to experts from the […]
5 Ways the IoT Can Change the Business World
Internet of Things has started transforming businesses in 2020 The use of cutting edge technologies like AI,IoT and 5G in the business world is no more different.IoT devices going to work in close connection framework to each other and will be controlled to improve efficiency, which in turn has direct impact on the productivity of […]