It is difficult to imagine a marketing field that modern technologies would not significantly change. Companies that rely on artificial intelligence, virtual reality and voice search, gain an advantage over competitors and let them create future promotions with extra ordinary results.
We have listes 10 leading marketing technologies and the possibility of their application in companies of various sizes. Which of them will you choose to transform your strategy?
10 Cutting Edge Technologies Changing Internet Marketing
1. Big data
• Improves the quality of customer data collection for fine-tuning advertising campaigns.
• Helps evaluate campaign performance.
• In the near future, big data will allow creating attribution models to assess the impact of each channel on conversion rates, customize programmatic ads and optimize video marketing.
2. Artificial Intelligence
• Finds valuable patterns for more effective targeting and prediction of consumer behavior.
• Used by search engines to analyze queries and select the appropriate content.
• Based on artificial intelligence, platforms for online chat are created that help to automatically collect customer information and solve problems on demand.
• AI-based technologies deeply analyze trends, create detailed customer profiles, and help develop successful personalization strategies for better customer focus.
3. Machine Learning ( ML )
• It is used in audience segmentation and is embedded in analytics systems to track anomalies and analyze large volumes of data in real time.
• Robots have learned to create content. Banner advertising, email campaigns, posts on social networks are generated in different formats for different channels. After analyzing enough data, machines can create and change headers to increase efficiency.
4. Bots
• Not only an effective tool for communication, but also a channel for round-the-clock interaction with the brand.
• Often used in sales and support, help find and recommend products.
• Soon they will be able to remind of repeated purchases through voice assistants.
• Communication with the chat bot can occur on several devices, be omnichannel.
5. Voice Search
• Marketers use voice search to collect information about device users through search queries, keywords, applications, or voice dialing.
• Soon, voice search will be integrated with SEO. Marketers need to learn how to optimize content for conversational queries.
• The technology has every chance to change the approach to advertising on the search and organic promotion of content.
6. Virtual and Augmented Reality
• Both technologies create an impressive experience that affects feelings and emotions.
• They expand the experience of product testing, brand engagement, and shopping.
• They bring offline stores and ecommerce closer, gradually blurring the line between real and virtual interaction.
• Can be used for storytelling and creating interactive brand content.
7. Internet of things ( IoT ) and wearable devices
• Used to collect information about users: their habits or preferences. The more connected devices a person uses, the more marketers have more opportunities to contact him with an actual offer.
• Wearable devices transmit information on the biological state of consumers to the Internet.
• Biometric data can be used to analyze consumer interactions with the brand.
8. Blockchain
• Using blockchain technology, marketers can motivate consumers to view ads and interact with content.
• Decentralized applications based on blockchain technology can compete with Apple and Android platforms and support a new cooperative economy around the world.
9. Beacons
• Gathers detailed information about the visitor to optimize the shopping experience and helps create personalized campaigns based on movement data.
• Ecommerce companies can use localization to target potential customers within a certain radius of the sensors.
• Combines online and offline presence and provides a consistent experience.
• It helps to determine which campaigns attract attention and show only relevant ads to each client.
10. 5G
• A faster connection allows you to load pages faster, reduce bounce rates, and increase CTR and ROI.
• Enhances display capabilities using VR and AR for an engaging demonstration of offers.
• Allows marketers to collect data in real time to optimize campaigns and local promotion.
These technologies significantly affect marketing and business, including:
• Data collection
• Data analysis
• Content Creation
• Content distribution
• Personalization
• Targeting and placement
• Customer service
Over All Digital or Internet Marketing is going to have huge exponential positive impact with the deployment of these amazing latest technologies.
Technology is evolving and becoming more accessible. Changing the industry under the influence of technology is happening now, you need to have time to master promising areas.
Author Profile

- Amram David
- Amram is a technical analyst and partner at DFI Club Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm .He has over 10 years of technical and business experience with leading high-tech companies including Huawei,Nokia,Ericsson on ICT, Semiconductor, Microelectronics Systems and embedded systems.Amram focuses on the business critical points where new technologies drive innovations.