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Books plays an important role in learning Technology and explore the trends of future.
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and IoT books are available in abundance and great source of learning.
Amazon has pile of great books and amazon gives best book deals and offers for paperback and Kindle version.
Books available on Amazon are normally available for Hard Cover and Kindle version.
Best Amazon Book are selected for our readers and hence DFI Club strongly recommends.
Best Books for IoT
Best Books for Machine Learning
Best Books for AI
Best Seller Books on Machine Learning. Python is widely used because of its Libraries supporting Machine Learning Algorithms. Tensor Flow is by Google and is integrated with Google Cloud as well to run ML using their compute engines. (Kindle Versions Available)
Best Seller Books on Artificial Learning. Mentioned books are great source of learning and understanding the concept of Artificial Intelligence and explained with real world problems. (Kindle Versions Available)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cloud-centric concept, but sometimes you need a little good ol’ book learning to get you on track. This selection of books covers a variety of topics within IoT. Topics include: capitalizing on the growing technology, learning generally about the subject, and understanding the effects IoT is having on our world and what it bodes for the ever-connected future. (Kindle Versions Available)