We are aware of the importance of Email as a new communication system, which is gradually replacing traditional methods. Cloud anti-spam keeps you safe from spamming, viruses and phishing attacks. Enterprises experience on daily basis malware attacks and directory harvesting. That is why organizations are opting cloud based spam filtering service, especially based on the award-winning solution so they can protect their mail server quickly, easily and safely.
How does cloud spam filter work?
Cloud anti-spam platform stands between you and the rest of the Internet mail servers.
Mail Filtering and Sorting
Spam filter platform receives the email addressed to your server. Filter and review each message and stipulate a classification to the message.
Direct Elimination
Emails that are unambiguously SPAM are deleted directly, being only registered in the logs of the cloud based anti spam service.
Quarantine Zone
Those e-mails that have a high probability that they are SPAM, but the system cannot be 100% sure, are sent to a quarantine where they will remain for xyz days based on the package criteria.
You would also get reminded, if opted, that you will receive an e-mail daily informing you of the new emails stored in the quarantine, which you can also access at any time.
Delivery to your Email Server
Emails that have successfully passed the various filters used are delivered to your email server, from where they can be downloaded by your users.
In a nutshell , When an external user sends an email to your address, this before reaching your mailbox is intercepted by cloud based email spam filter system. At that time, anti-spam system determines whether the email should be directly discarded, in the case of being clearly a spam email, if not then delivered to your mailbox, or stored in a special quarantine area so that you can later decide what to do with the message.
How do you configure cloud spam filter?
Most hosted spam filter service providers offer very quick and easy to deploy process that can be completed in less than 5 minutes.
Register your E-Mail Server
Simply add your server to the cloud anti spam service, for this you only need to indicate to IP address or DNS name of your server.
Add Domains to Protect
Tell the system which domains you want to protect. Simply enter the name of each domain, and associate it with the previously entered mail server.
Change the MX of your Domains
The last step, you only have to change the MX pointers of your domains to those of cloud email spam filter platform, and your domain will already be protected.
Your Email is already protected!
Once these simple steps are completed, your email begins to be filtered by spam filter servers. Without further configuration, service provider’s server will communicate with your mail server in an automated way, to configure the rest of the parameters.
Features to Look For in Best Cloud Based Email Spam Filters
Agile: Configured and Operating in Less than 10 minutes
Best anti-spam cloud service like Duocircle cloud spam filter solution should be really easy to configure. In less than 10 minutes you should have your email server protected. Simply add the IP address or DNS domain name of your email server, enter the domains you wish to protect and change the MX records of the domains to be protected.
It’s that simple, your email is already protected against SPAM and Viruses.
Compatible with 99% of Mail Servers
Virtually all email servers are compatible with spam filter service providers. If your email server supports the POP3 protocol for downloading mail, then it is compatible with almost all of vendors.
Without More Requirements or Complications
Modular: No configuration changes on your Server.
If your email server is already working properly, why do you need to change something in it?The problem is SPAM, not your mail server, so solution providers have to design solution to work with all email servers. No need to make configuration changes or install applications on your server.
Accurate: 99.9% Efficiency and Low False Positive Ratio
If a word defines cloud based spam filtering accuracy, no matter how much SPAM you are currently receiving, system can stop it. And all this without stopping the emails that matter to you, the xyz-days quarantine and self-learning systems make false positives totally anecdotal.
For example, if you reply to an email, cloud based anti spam system will notice and remember, making sure you always receive the email from that sender.
Economic: More Mailboxes per Domain
Anti-spam applications on each computer? Expensive filtering systems? Homemade solutions? For very little a month you can have a reliable, agile and secure cloud anti-spam protection service for your domains.
Insurance: No. of Days Quarantine
System should be able to determine if an email is spam or is legitimate mail, but on some occasion doubts may arise. For those cases, better solutions like comodo cloud based spam filtering include a quarantine zone for each protected mailbox, where the system will keep doubtful messages for number of days, so you can retrieve them at any time.
In addition, if you have new messages in the quarantine area, our system will send you a daily ready of the new quarantined emails, so you can accept them with a simple click of your mouse.
In the end learning policies should be placed effectively. Once you indicate the action to be taken to the system, the system remembers it and adds it to your database so that your intervention in the future is not necessary.
Best cloud spam filter system is an “in / out” system, continuously checking your use of your email, and with what addresses you usually exchange email.
The system adapts progressively to you, so that after a few days it is able to filter your email without needing any intervention on your part, and with a percentage of errors really reduced.
Author Profile

- Amram is a technical analyst and partner at DFI Club Research, a high-tech research and advisory firm .He has over 10 years of technical and business experience with leading high-tech companies including Huawei,Nokia,Ericsson on ICT, Semiconductor, Microelectronics Systems and embedded systems.Amram focuses on the business critical points where new technologies drive innovations.